In Python, there are three types of numeric data: integers, floating-point numbers, and complex numbers.
my_number = 7 # int
my_float = 7.0 # float
my_complex = 5+7j # complex
In programming whole numbers like 1, and 2, and 3 are called integers, or an int. They can be zero, positive or negative.
x = 8
n = -50
y = 56453565
All integers are objects of the int class. Here, variable x is of int class.
x = 8
print(type(x)) # <class 'int'>
Integers values can be binary, octal, and hexadecimal.
Binary numbers are numbers with base of 2 and are represented in the combination of 0s and 1s. 0b is the Python prefix for the representation of binary numbers. We can convert integers into binary number using bin().
x = 0b110110
print(x) # 54
n = 54
b = bin(n)
print(b) #0b110110
An octal number is a number with base of eight. The octal system uses digits from 0 to 7. 0o or 0O is the Python prefix for the representation of octal numbers. We can convert integers into binary number using oct().
x =0o117
print(x) # 79
n = 79
b = oct(n)
print(b) # 0o117
A Hexadecimal is a number with base of 16. The hexadecimal system uses digits from 0 to 15. 0x is the Python prefix for the representation of hexadecimal numbers. We can convert integers into binary number using hex().
print(x) # 274
n = 274
b = hex(n)
print(b) # 0x112
Leading zeros
Leading zeros in non-zero integers are not allowed in Python. For example, 00789 is an invalid number and 000 is 0.
x = 0789
print(x) # SyntaxError: leading zeros in decimal integer literals are not permitted; use an 0o prefix for octal integers
x = 000
print(x) # 0
Python Delimiter
Python does not allow comma as number delimiter. We use underscore _ as a delimiter instead.
x = 1_000_000
print(x) # 1000000
Converting different data types to integer
To convert different data type to integer, we use the int() function.
# convert float to int
print(int(9.5)) # 9
# convert string to int
print(int("7")) # 7
Decimal numbers are called floats in Python. For example, 4.5 is called a float in Python.
n = 4.5
h = 89.7804
All decimal values are object of float class
x = 4.5
print(type(x)) # <class 'float'>
Exponential Notation in Float
Floating-point values can be represented using e-notation. Numbers in e-notation are represented by digits that is followed by an e or an E. The e or an E is then followed by the number that represents the number of times the given number should be multiplied by 10.
val = 1e3
print(val) # 1000.0
p = 3.14e2
print(p) # 314.0
Maximum size for Float
The maximum size for float is referred as “inf”, “Inf”, “INFINITY”, or “infinity”. 2e400 will be considered as infinity for most systems.
print((2e400)) # inf
Converting different data type to Float
To convert different data type to integer, we use the float() function. String ‘infinity’ or ‘inf’ give float inf value and ‘nan’ or ‘NaN’ give float nan value. Any other non-numeric string value apart from these will throw an error.
print(float(45)) # 45.0
print(float(True)) # 1.0
print(float("-4.54")) # -4.54
print(float('infinity')) # inf
print(float('inf')) # inf
print(float('nan')) # nan
print(float('NaN')) #nan
print(float('hi')) # error
Complex Number
A complex number is a number with real and imaginary components. A complex number is a number of the form x + yi, where x and y are real numbers and i is imaginary number. In python, the imaginary number i is represented as j.
my_complex = 5+7j
print(type(my_complex)) # <class 'complex'>
Converting real numbers to complex number
We can convert real numbers x and y into complex using complex(x,y). The real part can be accessed using real() and imaginary part can be accessed by imag().To get these functions we will import cmath.
import cmath
# Initializing real numbers
x = 5
y = 7
# converting x and y into complex number
z = complex(x,y)
# printing real and imaginary part of complex number
print (z.real) # 5.0
print (z.imag) # 7.0
Arithmetic Operators
Operators | Description |
+ (Addition) | Produces the sum of operands. |
– (Subtraction) | Produces the difference of operands. |
* (Multiplication) | Produces the product of the operands. |
/ (Division) | Produces the quotient of the operands. |
% (Modulus) | Returns the remainder left of one operand divided by a second operand |
** (Exponent) | Returns the result of raising the first operand to the power of the second operand. |
// (Floor Division) | Adjusts whole number to the left-hand side in the number line. |
Arithmetic operations on Integers and Floats
a = 7
b = 8.0
print(b/a) # 1.1428571428571428
print(b//a) # 1.0
print(b-a) # 1.0
print(b+a) # 15.0
print(b**a) # 2097152.0
Arithmetic operations on complex numbers
# arithmetic operations on one complex number
print(c+2) #(7+7j)
print(c-2) # (3+7j)
print(c*2) # (10+14j)
print(c/2) # (2.5+3.5j)
print(c**2) # (-24+70j)
# arithmetic operations on two complex numbers
print(a-b) # (2+2j)
print(a*b) # (-20+46j)
print(a/b) # (1.4705882352941178-0.11764705882352938j)
Operators | Description |
int() | Converts data type to int |
float() | Converts data type to float |
complex() | Converts data type to complex |
real() | Returns real part from the complex number |
imag() | Returns imaginery part from the complex number |
bin() | Converts integers into binary number |
oct() | Converts integers into octal number |
hex() | Converts integers into hexadecimal number |
type() | Returns the data type class |
round() | Returns the rounded number. |
pow() | Returns the power of a number |
abs() | Returns the absolute value of a number |